Digital Add.: GM--081-9858
Location: PR7H+5HC, Adenta Municipality
MIT Bylaws
We are happy to have you join our MIT campus community, Our community is imbued with care, understanding, and we are connected to one another. In order to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Mumford Institute of Technology campus, there are some important pieces of information we would like to bring to your immediate attention through our Policies and Procedures Handbook. At MIT, there are numerous resources designed to enhance and support your Institute experience, as well as incredible engagement opportunities. In order to be able to take advantage of all that MIT has to offer, it’s critically right from the start of your Institute experience to learn our codes of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct, know where to find MIT’s policies, understand your rights and responsibilities, and begin to access campus resources. This document will guide you in these areas.
The Institute’s motto -- Competence and Experience -- defines excellence as a process of continual improvement. Pursuing excellence in learning and teaching in the framework of our distinctive philosophy demands the inclusion of those who will collectively and individually enhance our diversity. In addition, productive inquiry and inquisitiveness best takes place when individuals can explore and share their experience and thoughts as equal members of our community, uninhibited by prejudice or discrimination. Our pursuit of excellence requires that we create and support a community of faculty, students and staff who together and individually enhance our diversity and who strive to make themselves and our community better. The Institute envisions itself as a community that welcomes, advocates, and supports individuals who desire to contribute to and benefit from, the institution’s missions of teaching, research, performance, and community service. In a pluralistic culture, that community includes faculty, students, and staff who represent important differences. Members of the Institute’s community come from different tribal areas, which represent differences in ethnicities, religious beliefs, values, and points of view; they may be physically different, have different intellectual interests, or have different abilities. The Institute not only welcomes such differences in the members of its community, but in fulfilling its own missions and in preparing the leaders of tomorrow’s world who will necessarily be operating in an equally wide-ranging environments, the Institute actively seeks to recruit and include them in all aspects of the institution’s operations and endeavors.
The principles of fairness, freedom, honesty, inclusion, respect and responsibility are the necessary conditions of learning. The Institute, in particular, is a community of engaged individuals who have come together in a learning environment to learn, to teach, or to work in service to these endeavors. To encourage the participation and involvement of all members of The Institute, we have set forward several fundamental interrelated principles. It is these principles that we will use to develop systems and processes that safeguard the special nature of The Institute community and to ensure the involvement and inclusion of all its members.
The principles of fairness and openness are fundamental to the operations of this community—its processes for decision-making, problem solving, and doing the work of the Institution. Every person has the right to, and should expect, fair treatment according to openly stated and clearly articulated expectations, policies, and procedures, and in accordance with the fundamental rights and privileges of a free democratic society. Every person is encouraged, in parallel ways, to use fair and open methods of communication and action, including wherever possible, those provided by existing institutional channels, in voicing concerns and seeking solutions to problems.
Respect for the basic dignity of yourself and others are essential to this community. Every person has the right to be treated with respect, regardless of the many differences that distinguish individuals and groups. Respect involves showing regard for other’s well-being and safety as well as for their personal property, personal space, and for their living, learning, and working activities. In addition, members of this Institute also have a responsibility to respect the properties and functions of the institution.
Freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same quest. To uphold this kind of freedom of expression and action in the public domain, each person has the responsibility to own his or her ideas and actions as well as to express them in ways that do not limit or threaten others’ freedom to learn, teach and work. This means that ideas and actions are neither anonymous nor isolated. To act or express one’s ideas openly and in a responsible manner enhances the learning and growth of all. On the other hand, to act or express one’s ideas in an irresponsible manner impinges on other’s rights and freedom to learn and grow.
CARE Network:
Students in or heading toward distress may be identified through the CARE system in hopes of connecting him or her to appropriate campus resources. Faculty, staff, and students in the Institute are welcome to submit a CARE report about a student of concern at CARE Office. The Student Support Network (SSN) and CARE Team work together to identify allies and offices on campus that can best support the student in need.
The Conflict Resolution offers trainings and programs designed to increase students’ ability to effectively work through conflict before one arises. Programs for individuals encourage students to reflect upon their conflict resolution style and consider benefits of other approaches. The CR also supports students actively involved in conflict. Students seeking assistance with a conflict can contact CR office and meet with a staff member who can help determine the best path for addressing their problem. If appropriate, students may be connected with staff members trained in mediation, restorative circles and conflict coaching. For more information about Care office, including information about CARE, conflict resolution and the Standards of Student Conduct, please contact CARE OFFICE.
Admission to MIT is open to any candidate whose High School record conforms to the minimum requirement of Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), as well as the entry requirement set out by MIT. The candidate must also agree to abide by the policies and regulations of the Institute.
In all solicitations or admissions for students, there shall be no limit to qualified female applicants. There shall be established MIT Tutorial Structures that will enable disadvantaged applicants to qualify for admission. Discrimination against an applicant for admission because of gender, tribal, race, religion, color, or national origin will not and must not be tolerated.
In all solicitations or admissions for students, there shall be no limit to qualified female applicants. There shall be established MIT Tutorial Structures that will enable disadvantaged applicants to qualify for admission. Discrimination against an applicant for admission because of gender, tribal, race, religion, color, or national origin will not and must not be tolerated.
All undergraduate students must follow the policy for adding and dropping courses after a term begins as outlined below:
Grades of INC and ABS will be given to a student only when the student has been doing passing work and the lecturer believes that the student has given an acceptable reason for not completing the course on time. These grades must be removed before the middle of the next semester; otherwise, the grades will automatically revert to F grade.
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MIT’s credit hour is equivalent to fifty minutes face-to-face contact plus
six hours student outside effort per week per course. Alternatively,
A student’s cumulative grade-point average is computed by (1) multiplying the grade received in each course taken for credit by the number of credits the course is worth to get the grade point.
(2) The grade points earned in all courses are then summed and then divided by
the total credits of those courses to get the grade point average (GPA).
Grade-Point = ∑ Grade (numerical value) X Credits)
GPA = Grade-Point
Total Credits earned
Grade | Definition | Quality Pounts |
A+ | Excellent (86-100) | 4.0 |
B+ | Very Good(80-85) | 3.5 |
B | Good (75-79) | 3.0 |
C+ | Above Average (70-74) | 2.5 |
C | Average (65-69) | 2.0 |
C- | Below Average (60-65) | 1.5 |
D | Pass (55-59) | 1.0 |
F | Fail (0-54) | 0.0 |
The student is in good academic standing if he/she continues to maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher semester/term at MIT. However, the student goes directly to academic probation if the student has a GPA* below 2.0.
Significant scholastic achievement in the undergraduate programs will be recognized by appropriate endorsement of the degree diploma in the following categories:
Summa Cum Laude: 3.75 – 4.00 GPA
Magna Cum Laude: 3.50 – 3.74 GPA
Cum Laude: 3.30 – 3.49 GPA
When courses are withdrawn by the Institute, and the student does not replace the course with another course, a full refund of tuition will be made for the course.
The basis for computing refund is as follows:
The rights of registration, receipt of transcripts of record, receipt of a diploma at commencement are barred to students having outstanding obligations to the Institute. Obligations may be monies owed by the student, damaged books and equipment, other charges for which the student may be legally indebted to the Institute, and failure to comply with disciplinary sanctions or administrative actions.
The Institute’s Departments and offices may place “holds” on diplomas, registration, and transcripts for any student(s) having outstanding obligation.
Requests for official transcripts of a student’s academic records must be made in writing. The request letter should be sent to MIT office of the Registrar, Department of Records and transcripts, Adenta Campus, Accra, Ghana. Requests should include the School of attendance, and dates of attendance as well as the student’s Identification Number.
Academic Transcripts work includes all courses and grades acquired at the Institute. Students may request transcripts that include all courses taken while enrolled as undergraduate (matriculated and non-matriculated) in the Institute.
Students are required to attend all scheduled course classes except exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances include national holidays and religious observances. It is the policy of the Institute to allow students to observe their individual religious believes.
It is the fundamental right of every student to enjoy academic freedom. Integrity and honesty are necessary preconditions for this freedom. Academic honesty requires that all academic work be wholly the product of an individual or individuals. Joint efforts are legitimate when assistance of others is clearly acknowledged. Ethical conduct is the obligation of every member of the Institute community. Lapses and breaches of academic honesty are tantamount to serious offenses.
Truth and honesty are the basic standard principles of academic integrity. Each member of the Institute has a responsibility to uphold the standard principles of academic integrity.
Faculty members have the duty to educate students to abide by the Principles of academic integrity and to report breaches of these standards to the appropriate faculty for sanctions.
Students are responsible to know what the standards are and for abiding by them. Students are also entreated to bring violations to the attention of their lecturers or the head of department.
Breaches of academic integrity constitute serious offenses. Cheating, plagiarism, encouraging academic dishonesty, or denying others access to information or material may result in disciplinary action being taken at department level or being dismissed from the institute entirely. Forgery of grade change forms, theft of examinations, having a substitute take an examination, dishonesty relating to senior thesis, sabotaging another’s work, the violation of ethical code of conduct or infractions after return from suspension for a previous violation are offenses which can attract expulsion from the Institute.
The Institute MUST devote its energies toward the pursuit of truth and knowledge through reason and communication among its members. Its rules were conceived for the purpose of furthering and protecting the rights of all members of the Institute to achieve these goals. Members of the Institute are expected to behave in moral and ethical manner, respecting the dignity of humans and all members of the community and resisting behavior that may cause danger to others through bigotry, violence, theft, gender, and tribal or racial discrimination.
Mumford Institute of Technology has established goals and standards to ensure that all members of the Institute are able to fulfill their goals and keep members from harm.
Dishonesty in course work and research. Students who have broken the code have:
Plagiarism and failure to credit sources. Students who have broken the code have:
The code defines the kinds of behavior that violate the standards of MIT and the community and also provides the mechanism for addressing alleged violations. The code also protects the rights of the Individual(s) accused of those offenses and by providing due process as well as protecting victims of those offenses and the community as a whole.
The following are the key aspects of the code. Students must apprise themselves and consult the code for complete information on each point.
Anybody may file a complaint against a student or any member of the Institute community of violating the code by notifying the head of department of the school. When a complaint is received, review of the complaint will be conducted by the head of department or the designee to determine whether the evidence is sufficient to proceed to find a solution to the complaint at the departmental level.
When the head of department assesses that the degree of the offence is serious enough for separation from the Institute (suspension or expulsion) a hearing will be conducted by a panel organized by the HOD and recommendation will be made to the Deans of faculty to determine the final outcome. Non-separable offenses should be resolved at the student(s) school level.
Mumford Institute of Technology upholds the principles of Truth, Integrity, and Honesty as tools for pursuing academic laurels and therefore expects all persons to act in the unity of mind and purpose to achieve the highest standard of academic performance for especially its students and others. May God help us.
Mumford Institute of Technology reserves the right, because of changing educational conditions, to make modifications of any nature in the academic programs and requirements of the Institute and its constituent faculties without advance notice. Tuition and fees set forth in this publication are similarly subject to change by the Board of Regents of The Institute. Mumford Institute of Technology regrets any inconvenience that may cause the readers.